
IDE같은 GUI가 달린 octave 3.8 설치완료 본문

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IDE같은 GUI가 달린 octave 3.8 설치완료

부르칸 2014. 1. 26. 20:50
드디어 다 설치했다..

앞선 글 http://dogmas.tistory.com/232에서 하던거에 이어서 설명해보자...

make입력하여 컴파일이 완료되면 이렇게 된다. 

Octave successfully built.  Now choose from the following:

   ./run-octave    - to run in place to test before installing

   make check      - to run the tests

   make install    - to install (PREFIX=/opt/octave3.8)

make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/사용자이름/Downloads/octave-3.8.0'

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/사용자이름/Downloads/octave-3.8.0'

위와같은걸 얻었다면 아래와 같이 실행한다.

make check

컴파일이 잘 되었는지 쭉 체크하는데

뭔가 좀 이상하긴하지만 그런데로 잘 된것 같다.

뭐 FAIL이 0이니깐 나머지는 무시... ㅋㅋ


  PASS     11467

  FAIL         0

  XFAIL        7

  SKIPPED     36

See the file test/fntests.log for additional details.

Expected failures (listed as XFAIL above) are known bugs.

Please help improve Octave by contributing fixes for them.

Tests are most often skipped because the features they require

have been disabled.  Features are most often disabled because

they require dependencies that were not present when Octave

was built.  The configure script should have printed a summary

at the end of its run indicating which dependencies were not found.

243 (of 831) .m files have no tests.

Please help improve Octave by contributing tests for

these files (see the list in the file fntests.log).

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/heburox/Downloads/octave-3.8.0/test'

설치는 아래와 같이 하면 된다.
sudo make install 
sudo ln -s /opt/octave3.8/bin/octave /usr/local/bin/octave3.8 
이렇게 되면 octave3.8이 잘 설치되었고 GUI를 사용하려면 아래와 같이 실행한다.
octave3.8 --force-gui

뭐라뭐라 하면서 창이 뜨지만 그냥 next를 누르면 아래 그림처럼 octave GUI가 뜬다..
